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Classic Bärbucha Kombucha

Autorenbild: Tadeusz Tadeusz

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb.

And now it's time for our Classic Line, and we will start with our Bärbucha Kombucha Classic.

The Kombucha that started it all.

Classic Bärbucha Kombucha
Classic Bärbucha Kombucha

A "base" Kombucha or "plain" Kombucha should be one of the simplest Kombuchas that one can make, but in reality, it becomes of the most difficult ones, as far as "flavor" is concerned.

So many producers fail this test, and for that reason not too many actually make "plain" Kombucha. And it is mainly due to the fact that the tea that they use, is not that flavorful.

Since we specialize in single tea Kombuchas, any one of our single tea Kombuchas could be our Classic (or plain, or base) Kombucha.

But we took a different path and for our Classic, we have created a special (and a secret) mixture of four teas to get our very characteristic, and very recognizable flavor.

But to finalize that mixture, it took about a year of experimenting and adjusting.

Luckily, we started experimenting with it long before we started our commercial production, and we had this mixture ready for our official start in May, 2015.

Unofficially, our friends enjoyed it already throughout most of 2014.

So, as we mentioned above, the teas that go into this mixture are our trade secret.

So we don't reveal which ones we use. But what we can tell is that, two of them are green, and they constitute about 75% of this mix. Two other are black.

Classic Bärbucha Kombucha Etikett

Together, all four of our teas, create a symphony of flavors and many people ask us after trying our Classic for the first time, if we add any fruit, or some other flavoring agent to our Kombucha.

We don't.

The complex and fruity flavor comes straight from those teas, and from the use unrefined Organic brown sugar.

This sugar adds to the complexity of flavor in our Kombucha and after fermentation it adds caramelized notes to the finished Kombucha.

That creates a flavor that is similar to that of apple cider.

It does not hurt that we use filtered and revitalized water in all our Kombuchas.

The fact that we always serve it in Champagne glasses, elevates the quality of our brew even more.

There was a study done on quality of bubbles in Champagne, and the end conclusion was that bubbles differed, depending in what that Champagne was served in.

The worst bubbles formed in plastic cups. And since all the bubbles in our Kombucha are natural (NO artificial CO2 added here), we want to create the ultimate conditions for enjoyment of our Kombucha.

Our Classic is also one of our most popular varieties, so we make a lot of it.

As in of all our Kombuchas - we use only 4 ingredients to make it.

Three of them are always the same. And these are: water, sugar, and our Kombucha cultures.

What changes is the tea (teas or tea-like substances).

So we have the four-tea blend in this case.

It takes about one week for our brew to be ready.

But first, we have to label our bottles. That we still do manually.

Next comes our fermenting jar (10 L glass) with the Scoby still in it.

A beautiful and a healthy Scoby, shall we say.

After the initial fermentation, our Scoby goes to rest up a bit.

At that time we strain our Kombucha into another container. Straining removes larger yeast pieces, and some possible Scoby particles.

Doesn't that look yummy already? And, we are not finished yet.

Now, it's time for our favorite helper - the Elonmaster filling machine:

Here's another shot from the bottling process, with Classic bottles at different stages:

And when all is done, it's time for our classic shot of this Classic variety!

Classic Bärbucha Kombucha von Bärbucha Fermenterei

And one more.

Classic Bärbucha Kombucha zum Kaufen

Still one more shot, with a bit of sun.

Lebendiger Classic Bärbucha Kombucha

Our Bärbucha Classic is also available in 1 L bottles...

Ingredients: Filtered and Revitalized Water, Live Kombucha Cultures, Unrefined Brown Sugar, Green and Black Tea

To purchase / zum Kaufen klicke bitte unten.



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