The second most popular Kombucha in our Classic Line series, is this Morgenduft Kombucha.

The name of this Kombucha comes from the name of the tea that we use to make it.
This tea is called Morgenduft tea, and it's a popular breakfast tea in hotels in Germany.
The name means "the scent of the morning", and it's a green tea that is mixed with flower petals.
Some of the flowers mixed in this particular blend are: corn flowers, rose and sunflower petals.

Morgenduft Bärbucha is quite popular among our customers, especially the first-time Kombucha drinkers, because this particular Kombucha is very mild, and also because the flowers give it nice floral notes,. For that reason we call it a "beginner's Kombucha".

To make it, we steep the above mentioned Morgenduft tea in our filtered and revitalized water.
Next we mix in our unrefined brown sugar and when it cools down, we add our healthy and happy cultures.
After fermenting it for about a week, our Kombucha is ready for bottling.
Our cultures also love this tea and it shows with the new Scoby growth, which usually looks like this:

As with all of our Kombuchas, Morgenduft is fermented in small batches, in our 10 L glass containers.

So, here is our typical batch ready to be bottled.

And the bottling in action.

When the bottling is done, we manually put those black caps on, to close the bottles.

Next, our Morgenduft undergoes the second fermentation (F2) to increase the natural CO2 formation in the bottles.
And yes, we do not add any artificial CO2 to our Kombucha. What you get, is all natural.
And the carbonation is never excessive.
Well, almost never because our Jun (Champagne of Kombucha) can get to that point, when it sits for too long.
But that's Jun.

The F2 can take from one day to even one week..
It all depends on the room temperature. But we know that it is carbonated enough, when we see those happy bubbles underneath those black caps.
When that's done, our Kombucha is chilled to about 4 degrees C, and then it is time for further conditioning. That takes about a week.
When that is done, it is ready for retail.

Our Morgenduft Kombucha is also available in 1 Liter bottles.

Ingredients: Filtered and Revitalized Water, Live Kombucha Cultures, Unrefined Brown Sugar, and Morgenduft Green Tea
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