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Schisandra Bärbucha Kombucha

Autorenbild: Tadeusz Tadeusz

Aktualisiert: 23. Feb.

Schisandra Kombucha is a part of our Special Line.

And it is already a favorite one. The name comes from a Schisandra berry.

Schisandra Bärbucha Kombucha
Schisandra Bärbucha Kombucha

It is quite popular and its name comes from Schisandra berry.

Schisandra, or rather "Schisandra chinensis whose fruit is called magnolia berry or five-flavor-fruit, is a deciduous woody vine native to forests of Northern China and the Russian Far East"

Schisandra is a berry, but a very unusual berry and it has a very special place in TMC.

In Chinese it is called 五味子 or Wu Wei Zi which means "five flavored berry".

And that is because it has all five flavors (sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent) present, all at once .

But it's not the flavor alone that make it unique. It's also the medicinal properties of this little berry.

Schisandra Bärbucha Kombucha Etikett

We fell in love with the flavor, so this Kombucha became an instant favorite.

To make it see start with these:

After we brew a "tea" with them, we add some sugar, and then one of our lucky Scobies with some starter liquid. And now the adventure begins.

We leave the berries throughout the whole fermentation process and ALWAYS a new Scoby grows on top of the berries.

After the fermentation is done, we take the berries out, and strain all the precious juice out of them:

Then we bottle our Schisandra Kombucha.

Next, it undergoes the second fermentation process (F2), and then some conditioning in the fridge.

All that, before it is ready for retail.

Schisandra Bärbucha Kombucha zum Kaufen
Lebendiger Schisandra Bärbucha Kombucha

Schisandra has a slight pink hue And the flavor reminds us of a grapefruit juice mixed with Chinese Sichuan peppercorns.

But that is our perception and other people find other flavors in it.

But no matter what, it is simply delicious!

Here's the label.

Ingredients: Filtered and revitalized water, Live Kombucha Cultures, Unrefined Brown Sugar and Schisandra Berries

To find out more about Schisandra, please click here: Schisandra Berry

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